William Young Swim School

Rehabilitation through swimming

Rehabilitation through Swimming / Aqua Exercise

Rehabilitation classes at the William Young Swim School have proven to be beneficial in aiding recovery and easing mobility. Individual programmes are developed focusing on increasing fitness levels including flexibility, cardiovascular health, strength and stamina. William is experienced in working with clients with a variety of needs and holds additional qualifications relating to disabilities and special needs including sight impairment and deafness.

Some examples would include: Working with clients after hip and knee replacements, with those who have been advised by medical practitioners to build up specific muscle groups to support skeletal system, stroke and by-pass patients and clients with cerebal palsy and other health issues or conditions.

Work can be undertaken in conjunction with other health professionals including physiotherapists and occupational therapists.  William designs programmes for clients using appropriate teaching methods and techniques to ensure minimum shock absorption and maximum flexibility.

Call 07986884556 to arrange classes.

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